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Any place occupied by those who consistently require inpatient medical care can be a hotbed for diseases if not properly sanitized and maintained, and North Carolina nursing homes are no exception to this rule. If an assisted living facility fails to take preventative measures to reduce the risk of infection spreading, or if they fail to respond appropriately when an infection does occur, the physical health—and often the lives—of their residents may be at risk.

If you or a loved one suffered an infection due to poor sanitation or another form of negligence in a nursing home, a skilled attorney may be able to help. Talking to a Charlotte nursing home infections lawyer could clarify your legal options and put you on the right track towards recovering compensation for the harm you and your family have suffered.

Common Infections in Charlotte Assisted Living Facilities

According to the CDC, nursing home facilities in the United States see anywhere from one to three million serious infections per year, resulting in up to 380,000 deaths. These infections can stem from a number of different sources, but failure by nursing home staff to keep living condition clean and medical implements sanitary dramatically increases the odds of these diseases spreading.

Some of the most common infectious diseases that Charlotte nursing home attorneys see residents deal with include:

  • diff (clostridium difficile) – an infection of the colon that often transfers to residents from doctors, facility staff members, or other residents who do not wash their hands consistently
  • MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) – a bacteria transmitted during surgical procedures that is resistant to most typical antibiotics
  • Necrotizing fasciitis (Group A Streptococcus) – a severe infection that is commonly the source of bedsores and which eats away at flesh around the infected area, often causing toxic shock syndrome and sometimes requiring amputations to treat

Recovering Compensation for Infection-Related Damages

As part of the duty of reasonable care they owe to residents, all staff members and administrators of long-term care facilities in North Carolina must ensure that resident spaces, common surfaces, and medical tools are cleaned and sanitized regularly, and that all employees consistently wash their hands and observe other hygienic practices. Failure to take these basic measures can result in civil liability if that failure leads directly to a resident suffering a preventable infection.

If they can prove negligence by a facility staff member, administrator, doctor, or owner, a nursing home infections lawyer in Charlotte could work with an infected resident or their family to pursue compensation for various damages including:

  • Everyday living expenses
  • Extra medical expenses required for treatment of an infection
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional and psychological anguish
  • Loss of personal opportunities

While punitive damages may also be available in especially egregious cases, North Carolina General Statutes §1D-25 sets a cap on punitive damages of $250,000 or three times compensatory damages, whichever is greater.

Speak with a Charlotte Nursing Home Infections Attorney Today

If left unchecked, viruses and bacteria can run rampant in unsanitary nursing homes, resulting in dozens of infections and potentially many lives prematurely lost. If your family is impacted by such a situation, it may be a good idea to explore your options for filing civil suit against the employee or facility responsible.

A consultation with a Charlotte nursing home infections lawyer could offer clarity about your situation and guidance about how best to potentially remedy it through civil litigation. To get started on your case, call today.