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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1.4 million people in the United States sustain brain injuries annually. While these injuries are often the result of even minor car accidents or impact in sports, there are many other causes of head trauma as well.

If you think that you or a loved one have sustained a concussion or some other traumatic brain injury, then read on to learn some of the common symptoms of brain injury, before calling and scheduling a consultation with a Raleigh brain injury lawyer today.

Brain Injury Signals

Brain injury symptoms in adults: Depending on the seriousness of the injury, an adult can express warning signals that include but are not limited to: a headache that will not go away, a loss of focus, or exhaustion.

Memory loss would be another indication of brain trauma, as would dizziness. Mood swings, nausea, and poor vision could be further symptoms as well. Going unconscious would be a big symptom of head trauma, But even debilitating brain injuries can be sustained with the injured person never losing consciousness.

Brain injury symptoms in children: Sometimes all it takes is a simple fall, a bicycle accident, or a blow to the head during recreation or sports, and a child can sustain brain injury, and the dangerous thing is that their brain injury symptoms may not be as pronounced as they would be in an adult.

What the CDC recommends is that you call a doctor as soon as you notice any of these symptoms after your child takes a blow to the head: fatigue; irritability; lost interest in favorite games or toys; altered patterns in eating, sleeping, playing; change in performance at school; loss of new skill (such as toilet training); trouble walking steady; and vomiting.

Severity of Brain Injuries

What makes these injuries particularly dangerous is that they may not even be immediately apparent. You may not feel the beginning of symptoms until days have passed since you sustained the injury, and sometimes the delay can last for weeks.

If you or a loved one have taken a hit to the head, it is always a good idea to seek medical help immediately. Not only would this give you the best chance of catching and treating the injury as soon as possible, but the upshot is that your injury would be well-documented in medical records, records that are vital if you want to pursue an injury claim.

Next Steps to Take

One you have sought the help of medical experts, you may need to find a legal expert. Brain injury lawsuits are highly technical and complicated, whether they fall under workers’ compensation, auto insurance, or some other type of claim. With an experienced legal advocate on your side, you can collect the evidence you need for a strong claim.

What this claim will have to prove is that the defendant, the party you are suing, was negligent. This means not only proving that you were injured, but that your injuries were caused by the defendant failing to exercise reasonable care.

This is already a complex legal process, and when it comes to brain injuries, just proving the extent of your injuries can be difficult. You will need evidence such as accident reports, witness testimony, medical records, and more.

If you think you might have grounds for a brain injury claim, contact the Whitley Law Firm. An experienced Raleigh personal injury lawyer from our team can help you determine how strong your case is, and what kind of compensation you are entitled to. Do not hesitate to fill out a free case evaluation today, as your case can expire.