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Motorcycle riders are not protected by a surrounding structure like cars are, so they are greatly exposed. One would see more injuries directly to the person with somebody who is on a motorcycle. That is one major dynamic that differentiates motorcycle accidents from other types of accidents, like car accidents. Motorcycles are smaller than passenger vehicles, they are a little bit more difficult to see in rear-view mirrors, and that is the main factor in support of the more frequent incidents.

Another factor of their uniqueness is that there is a dynamic external to the collision itself and the population at large, which has a bias against motorcycle riders. People tend to think that motorcycle riders are dangerous, they are going too fast, and they are taking an unnecessary risk by riding a motorcycle. These dynamics will be major factors in how a motorcycle accident case will be treated in Winston-Salem. A skilled motorcycle accident attorney will be essential help in protecting a person’s rights during their case when explaining their accident and the injuries that followed.


Motorcycle riders in Winston-Salem, by being exposed to the elements, are going to have a variety of different injuries resulting from an accident. Unless an occupant of a vehicle is ejected from the vehicle, one is not going to see road rash, but that can be a common injury for someone on a motorcycle.

The lower limb injuries, like ankles and lower legs, can happen because people are putting a foot down to either stop or hit brakes. In car accidents, one might see frequently right ankle injuries like right ankle fractures because they are slamming on brakes and if there is intrusion into the passenger compartment in a frontal collision, sometimes, one will see those right lower extremity injuries. On a motorcycle, the injuries are going to be far more severe because of the dynamics involved in the motorcycle accident in Winston-Salem.

Unique Aspects of Accidents

There are some common dynamics in all Winston-Salem motorcycle accidents. These include, most commonly, a motorcyclist being injured when a vehicle makes a turn in front of a motorcycle, like a left turn in front of an oncoming motorcycle, that then injures the motorcycle rider.

People often change lanes in front of a motorcycle and cut them off, making the motorcyclist either have to slam on the brakes or swerve off the road to avoid a collision. There could be vehicles in front of motorcycles with non-operating brake lights. In this case, a person cannot tell when the vehicle in front of them is stopping until they are closing in on them quickly. Those are some of the common dynamics of motorcycle accidents that are common in Winston-Salem.

Preventing Accidents

Motorcyclists can make themselves more aware of the increased risks of injury compared to other types of motor vehicles by going to driving training courses, safety courses, and riding in groups. It is safer and easier for an individual to see a group of motorcyclists rather than just one.


A motorcycle has to have a saddle for use by the rider designed to travel on not more than three wheels and contact with the ground. This includes electric-assisted bicycles and mopeds. Motorcycles have a motor that is greater than 50 cubic centimeters and capable of traveling at speeds greater than 30 miles per hour.

The same standard for motorcycles is enforced as heavy as cars or trucks. Standards are enforced the same way as all other traffic laws and they are enforced by law enforcement officers, highway patrol, county sheriffs, and city police officers.

Contacting an Attorney

A motorcycle accident attorney can help all dynamics of a case, mostly by understanding and getting the key eyewitness testimony if that is available from the client, if they are able to tell them, from key eyewitnesses either at the scene or surrounding the scene. It is important to also employ accident reconstructionist engineers to help gain an understanding of the forces involved that could impact the course of a client’s case. Those tasks might involve time and costs but, at the end of the case, having a full understanding of the mechanism of the collision would maximize recovery.