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The most important decisions following a motorcycle accident in Winston-Salem would be, first, to seek the appropriate medical attention to make sure that the person’s health is being protected. Next would be to try to preserve any and all evidence, identification of witnesses, photographs of the scene, photographs of injuries, and then employing an attorney who can take over some of these tasks for the person or their family would be an important decision.

Making sure that everybody at the scene is safe or that the appropriate medical attention has been called for, contacting the law enforcement official so that they can come in and do their own scene investigation and collect other relevant information, and then helping the parties facilitate the exchange of information between them about names, insurance carriers, and things of that nature are important. Once these steps are taken, it is essential to work with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney who can help file an injury claim and move the case forward as much as possible.

How An Attorney Can Help

Following a motorcycle accident in Winston-Salem, an attorney can assist someone by helping them to understand what their rights are, what the available remedies and damages there are, and whether it makes sense for a lawyer to get involved in the case at that time.

The number one reason for someone to not handle their own motorcycle accident is because of built-in biases towards motorcycle accidents. There is going to be a large chance that an insurance company is going to allege contributory negligence on the part of the motorcycle rider to try to avoid the claim and so, for that reason, someone involved in a motorcycle wreck probably should consult with a lawyer and get somebody involved.

Dealing with Insurance

A person should contact their insurance company to report the motorcycle accident as soon as reasonably possible. They should contact their own insurance carrier to let them know that they have been involved in a wreck and contact the insurance carrier of the other drivers so that everybody knows that an accident has occurred. If someone does not have insurance, they should contact the other driver’s insurance company.

Contacting a Lawyer

A person should contact an attorney as soon as they are reasonably able following a motorcycle accident in Winston-Salem as well, but it will depend on the severity of the accident, the severity of the person’s injuries, how long they think they are going to be having to treat for those injuries, or if they are going to miss time from work. All of those things may play a role in their priorities. An individual needs to know what rights they have and make sure that they are pursuing them following an accident. They should not rely on the insurance company adjusters to deal with them. They are mostly interested in protecting their company. A person needs to talk to an accident attorney who knows what the individual’s rights are to ensure their protection.