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A person may be presented with a number of obstacles when filing an SSDI claim. To ensure the smoothest application process possible, you could learn what Winston-Salem SSDI claim requirements must be met by speaking to a seasoned lawyer. An experienced SSDI attorney could guide you towards a successful claim. Call today and set up a consultation.

Documents a Person Should Bring When Filing an Initial Claim

SSDI claims in Winston-Salem typically have requirements for a person filing an initial claim to sign a form that complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act requirements. This form allows Social Security to obtain medical records on the person’s behalf. It could be helpful if individuals obtain their medical records and submit those directly to Social Security to ensure that Social Security has all of the pertinent records on their case. A person could also bring information about one’s identification along with any other paperwork that might be helpful, such as letters from your doctors. It could be a mistake not to bring the necessary paperwork to an initial meeting with Social Security.

Who Reviews Medical Records

When a person completes their application, Social Security turns the case over to the North Carolina Disability Determination Services. They review the records to get a better understanding of what medical conditions may prevent the person from being able to work.

The examiners look for several things in the medical records, including any severe medical impairment that may keep an individual from being able to work. The presence of a medically determinable impairment may typically be the first thing an examiner could note. Any statements the person’s doctors made regarding the limitations they have that keep them from working a fulltime job would also be noted.

Could the Government Require Additional Records or Medical Exams?

The examiners at Disability Determination Services want to know about any updated medical records a person may have and where they receive treatment. They may also send the individual to an independent examination paid for by Social Security. These medical exams are called consultative examinations, and they could be for any physical, mental, or psychological problems.

Why a Person May be Denied

The majority of claims are denied at the initial application for a variety of reasons. When trying to meet the requirements for SSDI in Winston-Salem, it may be difficult to show from the records alone that someone has a disabling condition severe enough to potentially keep them out of work for a 12-month period. To avoid denial, reach out to a dedicated lawyer for more information about Winston-Salem SSDI claim requirements.

Learn More About Winston-Salem SSDI Claim Requirements

People may need to understand that Social Security wants to know about all of their health problems. It could be crucial in the initial application that those medical problems are listed and all of the doctors are listed as well.

Assuming a medical problem is not severe is not recommended. Health issues such as minor shoulder problems or back pain may be important to list. Speak to an SSDI lawyer to learn what the Winston-Salem SSDI claim requirements you may need to meet for your disability claim.