Zantac is one of many drugs that Americans take to reduce the effects of chronic heartburn. This drug works by decreasing the amount of stomach acid in the body, thereby reducing the chances of heartburn. Unfortunately, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that Zantac’s chemical formula, Ranitidine, is linked to an increased occurrence of cancer. Any person who took this drug and developed cancer may have the right to demand compensation from the makers of Zantac.
A Raleigh Zantac lawyer could help people to evaluate their diagnoses and to make a link between that diagnosis and taking Zantac. All drug makers have a duty to produce a product that is safe for human consumption, and the makers of Zantac may have failed in this duty. For more information, or if you wish to take legal action, schedule a free consultation with a knowledgeable attorney today.
Zantac and Increased Risks of Cancer
Zantac is a popular name brand version of the H-2 inhibitor Ranitidine. H-2 inhibitors work by decreasing the amount of stomach acid that a person produces, subsequently decreasing the effects of chronic heartburn.
The makers of Zantac, Sanofi, advertises their over the counter and prescription medications as a safe and effective way to reduce the symptoms of heartburn. However, on September 13, 2019, the FDA issued a safety notice concerning the possible risks involved with taking Zantac.
This notice states that the key ingredient in Zantac, Ranitidine, contains some impurities believed to the linked to the core chemical formula. This impurity, called N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), is a probable human carcinogen. As a result, people who have taken Zantac or any of its generic equivalents are at an increased risk of contracting cancer. A Raleigh Zantac lawyer could provide more information about this troubling news and how taking Zantac may have affected a person’s health.
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Contact Us Today For a FREE Confidential Case Review (800)785-5000The Duties of Drug Makers to Provide a Safe Product
A core concept in product liability law is that makers of all products must ensure that they are safe for their intended use. In the case of Zantac and its maker, Sanofi, this includes performing proper testing to check for any potential side effects or other hazards. Sadly, Sanofi has failed in this duty. As a result, people who have taken Zantac may have increased their risks of contracting cancer. Individuals who have received these diagnoses may have a cause of action to demand compensation.
According to Raleigh laws, injured consumers have two methods to prove claims of product liability. Under North Carolina Statute §99B-6, plaintiffs may pursue a case using a theory of defective design. In these cases, a plaintiff needs to prove both that the design of the product was inherently defective, and that an alternative design provided a viable economic alternative. In other claims, a plaintiff may argue that the maker did not provide proper warnings for safe use of the product under North Carolina Statute §99B-5.
As applied to Zantac cases, it is more likely that proving a defective design is the better choice for most plaintiffs. It now appears that there is an inherent design flaw in all forms of Ranitidine that results in a cancerous byproduct. An injured plaintiff could pursue a claim centered around the idea that Sanofi was negligent in allowing this product to go to market. A Raleigh Zantac lawyer could help to gather the evidence needed to pursue a defective product case centered around Zantac and its inherent dangers.
Raleigh Raleigh Zantac Lawyer Near Me (800)785-5000
A Raleigh Zantac Attorney Could Help to Seek Justice
Every maker of products in Raleigh and nationwide has an obligation to properly test all consumer items. This is especially true in situations where a person is introducing a drug into their bodies. The makers of Zantac, Sanofi Pharmaceuticals, may have failed in this duty by allowing a known carcinogen to enter the marketplace.
If you have received a diagnosis of cancer after taking either prescription or over the counter Zantac, you may have a claim for damages against the drug maker. A Raleigh Zantac attorney could help you to make the connection between the drug and your diagnosis. They can also lead the way in demanding proper compensation for your losses. To get started on a case, be sure to schedule a consultation today.
Attorney Whitney Butcher at the Whitley Law Firm is actively investigating possible cases involving the use of ranitidine/Zantac that may have led to individuals developing cancer of the colon, stomach, kidneys, intestines, bladder, or pancreas. If you believe that you or a loved one has suffered injuries as a result of these dangerous drugs, please get in touch with us.
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