In the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, an injured person seeking medical help may find themselves intimidated by the potential cost of hospital bills. This may cause injured individuals to consider forgoing necessary treatment if it is outside their budget. While health insurance is recommended, choosing the right plan may be difficult. If you have questions regarding the role of health insurance in Raleigh motorcycle accident, reach out to an attorney. A seasoned motorcycle accident lawyer could help you understand your options and rights following a motorcycle wreck.
Importance of Health Insurance
It could be critical for an injured person to have health insurance following a Raleigh motorcycle accident. When an injured individual shows up to the emergency room, medical staff will usually ask for their insurance to treat them even if they have broken bones or any of the number of catastrophic injuries.
If the person has insurance, the hospital will file the bill to their health insurance. If they do not have health insurance, the hospital will bill the injured individual. Since these cases may last for a long time, the bill could get sent to collections and negatively impact their credit if the person does not have health insurance and the bill is outstanding. Collection agencies may then begin hounding the individual, which could be overwhelming. This is why it may be ideal for someone to have some sort of insurance policy so that the brunt of the medical bills could be covered upfront.
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Contact Us Today For a FREE Confidential Case Review (800)785-5000What if an Injured Motorcyclist Does Not Have Health Insurance Coverage?
If an individual is injured in a wreck and they do not have health insurance, the hospital will still treat the person since the hospital is required to do so by law. However, without health insurance coverage to offset the costs, the bills could easily be several thousand dollars. Also, if the patient is treated and released, there are several orthopedic offices that may not treat patients who do not have health insurance. Not having health insurance could limit one’s ability to recover from the wreck and then see the best possible doctors. While an injured person will get treated initially by the hospital, the impact of the wreck may cause the individual to need treatment long after the accident. This is why health insurance in Raleigh motorcycle accidents is so important.
Raleigh Health Insurance in Raleigh Motorcycle Accidents Lawyer Near Me (800)785-5000
Financing Medical Treatment Following a Crash
An injured motorcyclist could finance medical treatment following an accident by taking on credit card debt. The individual could enter into payment plans to prevent the balance from going to collections so it does not affect their credit. Motorcyclists could have on their own insurance policy through a medical payments coverage. This coverage could be $1,000, $5,000, or $10,000, and may help immediately offset any medical expenses that might occur. A person typically does not have to prove that another individual was at fault for the wreck in order to get coverage since it is essentially money that is available if someone gets hurt in a wreck.
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Contact Us Today For a FREE Confidential Case Review (800)785-5000An Attorney Could Help Deal With Health Insurance Companies
If the health insurance plan fits into one of the exceptions, an experienced motorcycle accident attorney could negotiate with the insurance company to get them to accept to a lesser amount. While the health insurance company might feel comfortable strong-arming an unrepresented individual and claiming that they have to be owed in full, a personal injury lawyer could use certain tactics, case law, and statutes to argue for the lien to be extinguished or significantly reduced. For more information about health insurnace in Raleigh motorycle accidents and how an attorney could help, call today.
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