Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are the two types of disability benefit programs that the Social Security Administration (SSA) oversees. SSI and SSDI benefits are similar in that they are both are available to disabled individuals to provide a means of financial support. However, the eligibility requirements and other aspects of each system are distinct.
There are several key differences between SSI and SSDI in Greenville that are important to understand if you are seeking eligibility for these benefits. A dedicated SSDI attorney could explain these differences to you during your consultation, and help you apply for the benefits you need. In limited cases, an individual may qualify for benefits under both SSI and SSDI, but it is more likely that someone will qualify for either one or the other.
Defining Disability in Greenville
SSI benefits are available to elderly and disabled individuals at any age. Specifically, benefits are available to elderly persons over the age of 65, blind persons or persons with other disabilities, regardless of their age. Qualifying disabilities are those that prevent an individual from working and are expected to last at least a year or disabilities that are expected to result in death.
Compared to SSI, SSDI uses a much more restrictive definition of disability. SSDI is not available to elderly persons who are not disabled. It is only available to persons suffering from a disability expected to last longer than one year or is terminal. Both SSI and SSDI cover individuals suffering from physical as well as psychological disabilities.
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In addition to meeting SSI’s definition of disability, SSI recipients must also qualify as low-income individuals who have limited income and resources available to them.
To qualify for SSI benefits, single individuals typically cannot have more than $2,000 worth of assets or $3,000 for couples. An individual’s primary residence and vehicle are usually not counted toward this threshold, but assets like bank accounts would be counted.
As of 2018, the maximum monthly benefit rate of $750 for individuals and $1,125 for couples. This amount varies depending on other income sources available to the recipient. The benefits that are paid out to eligible are meant to cover costs for basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter. SSI recipients in Greenville may also receive supplemental payments from the state. No work history is required to qualify for SSI benefits.
Eligibility for SSDI Benefits
Whereas SSI benefits are based primarily on the financial needs of the individual, SSDI benefits are based on work history and contributions to the Social Security system. SSDI benefits are available to disabled individuals who have a work history, or in some cases, they are available to persons who have a parent or spouse who has worked.
Eligibility for SSDI is determined by using a system that calculates the number of work credits an individual has earned. The number of work credits an individual must have earned in order to receive benefits is based on a number of factors including age and the timing of the disability. In general, at least five years of work during the last ten years is required.
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Individuals who are approved to receive SSI will also receive Medicare benefits automatically. Unlike SSI recipients, SSDI recipients will not qualify for Medicare until they have been receiving benefits for at least 24 months. To learn more about receiving Medicare benefits and the differences between SSI and SSDI in Greenville, consult with a seasoned attorney.
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Contact Us Today For a FREE Confidential Case Review (800)785-5000Get More Information About Greenville SSI and SSDI
The differences between SSI and SSDI in Greenville can be confusing, which makes the application process difficult. If you still have questions about either SSI or SSDI, you can reach out to knowledgeable attorneys for answers. A lawyer could listen carefully to your situation so you can understand which benefits may be available to you.
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