A serious car accident can inflict terrible and long-lasting injuries. You may have a claim for damages if you recently suffered bodily harm because of another driver’s negligence. If you are dealing with Nationwide after an accident in Raleigh, you may feel like you were getting nowhere fast with the insurance adjuster.
Rather than trying to negotiate your claim alone, it may be helpful to speak with a skilled car accident attorney about your case. A lawyer could help you seek the full and fair damages you deserve for your injuries while assisting you through the often confusing auto accident insurance claim process.
When the Other Driver Is Insured with Nationwide
When someone is involved in an auto accident and the other driver carries coverage underwritten by a Nationwide, any local claim for compensation will have to go through this insurance company. When the injured party files a claim with Nationwide, the claims representative will want to know as much information about the accident as possible. The claims representative will likely ask questions about the time and location of the crash, the parties involved, each party’s respective insurance coverage, whether or not police came to the scene, and if injuries were sustained.
Once the initial claim is filed, an adjuster will be assigned to handle the case. The adjuster will probably want to speak with the injured party directly, and possibly ask for a recorded statement to aid in their investigation of the claim. Once the adjuster investigates the accident, they may decide to accept or reject the claim.
Unfortunately, insurance companies are often reluctant to pay out damages, and may use a wide array of tactics to place their insured’s liability in doubt. If there is any ambiguity in the police report or their insured contests liability in the case, this can make resolving the claim far more difficult. An attorney could help a person injured in a car crash deal with the Nationwide adjuster at all stages of their claim. A lawyer could perform a complete and thorough investigation on the victim’s behalf to identify who is liable and what factors may be used to build a solid case for damages.
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Contact Us Today For a FREE Confidential Case Review (800)785-5000The Nationwide Auto Accident Claims Process
When it comes to dealing with Nationwide after a car accident in the community, the claims process depends greatly on the facts and circumstances of the case. It should be noted that North Carolina provides injured claimants just three years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party. As a result, it would be a good idea to reach out to an attorney without delay after an auto accident, who could have the injured party determine whether they may have a viable basis on which to proceed with a claim.
An attorney could help someone gather their medical bills, records, lost wage records, accident reports, and other pieces of evidence vital to establishing legal responsibility for their damages. All this information would be compiled into a settlement demand and calculated as the amount of damages the individual is claiming. It is more likely than not that upon receiving the settlement demand, the Nationwide adjuster will issue a counter offer that is below the requested amount. This is where it is important to have experienced legal counsel.
An attorney could leverage a range of aggressive and tailored negotiation strategies to work towards a fair settlement of the victim’s damages. If the Nationwide adjuster refuses to negotiate a fair settlement, a lawyer could evaluate the factors at play to determine whether it may be wise to take the case to court.
Raleigh Dealing with Nationwide After an Accident in Raleigh Lawyer Near Me (800)785-5000
Hire a Raleigh Attorney to Help You Deal with Nationwide After a Wreck
If you have been injured after an auto accident caused by a negligent motorist, you may require legal representation. Dealing with Nationwide after an accident in Raleigh on your own could be detrimental to the outcome of the case. An attorney could review situation in detail and ensure you understand the full range of legal options on the table.
A lawyer could greatly ease your burden during the claims process by handling all interactions with you adjuster on your behalf so you can focus on recovering from the accident. Contact a Raleigh attorney today for a confidential case consultation.
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