Orthopedic devices can serve many people’s mobility and functionality needs. From simple knee or back braces, to crutches and prosthetic limbs, many people will need to rely upon these items at some point during their lives.
A person’s reliance upon these items can result in them becoming dependent upon them. While not necessarily a bad thing, a failure of these items to function as intended could result in severe injuries. When the makers of these items fail to take appropriate steps to protect a user, that maker may have civil liability to compensate an injured party.
A Raleigh defective orthopedic devices lawyer could help you to pursue at-fault device manufacturers for your losses. This can include the cost of any necessary medical treatment, the recovery of any lost wages, and compensation for any pain or suffering endured in the incident. Get in touch with a consultation with a skilled attorney to get started on your claim today.
The Function and Failures of Orthopedic Devices
When someone uses orthopedic devices, it is generally because they have a reduced ability to perform physical acts on their own. For example, a person who has recently undergone a knee surgery may rely on a brace to provide support and to allow them to move about on their own.
Other common examples of orthopedic devices include:
- Walkers
- Wheelchairs
- Crutches
- Back braces
- Splints
- Air casts
A failure of any of these devices could have disastrous consequences. A sudden lack of support while undertaking even a simple process such as walking could cause a person to fall to the ground. More severe incidents may involve failing brakes on a wheelchair or a lack of pressure in an air cast that causes a bone to refracture. A Raleigh defective orthopedic devices lawyer could help examine the facts behind a case and how a faulty device may be to blame.
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Contact Us Today For a FREE Confidential Case Review (800)785-5000Holding the Maker of the Product Responsible in Raleigh
Laws in Raleigh and throughout the state make it difficult for an injured consumer to hold the maker of a product responsible. It is the responsibility of the injured consumer to prove the fault of the manufacturer. One way to do this is to show that an alternative design could have prevented an injury due to a design flaw. In these cases, a poorly designed back brace could result in that product failing while walking down stairs. Under North Carolina Statute §99B-6, a plaintiff may prevail if they can show that an alternative design would be cost effective and serve to prevent their injury.
Another way to do this is to display a failure to provide adequate warnings about potential hazards or a failure to properly instruct a consumer as to proper use. For example, a wheelchair maker may fail to provide proper instructions as to how to use the chair in the rain. A Raleigh defective orthopedic devices lawyer could examine the case to determine how the producer was negligent.
Raleigh Raleigh Defective Orthopedic Devices Lawyer Near Me (800)785-5000
A Raleigh Defective Orthopedic Devices Attorney Could Stand up for You
The prospect of filing a claim against a negligent orthopedic device maker may seem like a daunting task. After all, these are large companies with massive legal departments and they will fight to protect their profits. A dedicated attorney could help to even the odds.
They could help to gather key evidence in the case. They then use that evidence to form a theory of manufacturer negligence that fits within established law. Finally, they accurately calculate your damages as to demand appropriate compensation for your losses. There is a limited time to file a claim so do not delay; let a Raleigh defective orthopedic devices lawyer help you today.
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