Social Security is a federal tax-funded program that pays disabled workers a certain portion of their previous income on a monthly basis. If you have already qualified for social security insurance benefits, it may be possible for your spouse and children to continue receiving benefits if you become deceased. This could prevent them from having to experience any unforeseen financial difficulties in the future.
If you suffer from a disability and are the parent or guardian of a child, your child may also be entitled to disability benefits. These benefits are often used to cover medical and living expenses and their ability to obtain New Bern SSDI benefits for children and spouse will depend on their disability and the household income of their parents or guardians. A knowledgeable attorney could answer your questions about SSDI benefits.
SSDI Benefits for Minors
While most people naturally associate Social Security Disability benefits with older, disabled adults, minors may also be entitled to benefits. If a child has a parent, guardian, or a grandparent who is disabled, they may be able to receive monetary benefits if they are under the age of 18 (19 if enrolled full-time in school).
If a disabled parent or guardian has an unmarried child over the age of 18 who also suffers from a qualifying mental or physical disability, they could also be entitled to compensation.
The amount a child or multiple children receives could be as much as 50 percent of the payment amount their parent or guardian receives each month. There is a limit, however, to the amount of money an entire family can collectively receive, and this limit will vary depending on the finances of each individual family.
If the SSDI benefits for children and spouse a family in New Bern receives exceeds their official limit, the Social Security Administration could reduce their benefits until they are below the limit.
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To apply for SSDI benefits for a minor, a parent or guardian will need to complete an application for benefits. They will also need to present the birth certificate and Social Security number of the applicant, in addition to their own to prove they are actually the parent or guardian.
If a child is disabled and over the age of 18, their parent or guardian must also submit proof of their disability. While medical records from a treating physician could support a claim, the Social Security Administration may also require claimants to visit a specific physician. An attorney could guide a person through the application process for the SSDI benefits for children and spouse in New Bern. An experienced SSDI attorney could also help a person determine who is eligible and what requirements they may need to meet.
New Bern New Bern SSDI Benefits for Children and Spouse Lawyer Near Me (800)785-5000
SSDI Benefits for Surviving Spouses
If a person passes away while receiving SSDI benefits, their surviving spouse may be eligible to receive a certain portion of their SSDI income. While this is not always the case, they may be eligible for survivor benefits if:
- They currently care for a child under the age of 16 who receives survivor benefits
- They are at least 50 years old and disabled
- They are at least 60 years old but not yet retirement age
- They are full retirement age
If the survivor is disabled themselves, their disabling condition must have been diagnosed prior to the death of their spouse.
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Contact Us Today For a FREE Confidential Case Review (800)785-5000Contact a New Bern SSDI Benefits for Children and Spouse Attorney
If you believe you are entitled to survivor benefits, or you believe your child may be entitled, it is important to consult an attorney. SSDI benefit claims could take years to process, and it may not be uncommon for claimants to receive multiple denials.
An experienced attorney can help you complete and submit your claim, and if you are denied, they could assist you during your appeal or hearing as well. Contact an attorney who handles cases related to New Bern SSDI benefits for children and spouse today.
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