Cyclist Awarded $1.85 Million After Devastating Collision with Dump Truck Action: Personal Injury Injuries alleged: Rib and spine fractures, humerus fracture, clavicle fracture, lung lacerations, permanent scarring, major chest trauma requiring 9 surgeries Amount: $1,847,000 Name of Case: Withheld Date: June 20, 2024 Name of judge, mediator, and firm: Scott Hart, Mediator Attorney: Ben Whitley, …
Bike Accident
Victim of Serious Bicycle Accident Receives $2.3 Million Settlement
Type of Action: Negligence Injuries alleged: Traumatic brain injury Name of case: Withheld by plaintiff Court: Forsyth Superior Court Verdict or settlement: Pre-trial settlement Amount: $2.3 million Date of verdict or settlement: 10/14/2011 Highest Offer: None Most helpful experts: Benjamin B. Liipfert III, special needs trust administration lawyer (Winston-Salem) Insurance Carrier: USAA Attorneys for plaintiff: Benjamin H. Whitley and Robert E. Whitley (Raleigh) Attorney for defendant: None …