Driver dies after rear-end crash on Raleigh street; $2 million settlement Action: Wrongful death Injuries alleged: Fractured vertebrae leading to death Case name: Withheld Amount: $2 million Date: Sept. 8, 2023 Attorney: Bob Whitley of Whitley Law Firm, Raleigh (for the plaintiff) The decedent, 60, was driving on Glenwood Avenue in Raleigh when she stopped …
Case name and number: Confidential Principal injuries (in order of severity): Wrongful death of 4 individuals Special damages: Not applicable Tried or settled: Settled Court: Confidential Date concluded: March 4, 2022 Name of judge: Not applicable Amount: $10,000,000.00 Insurance carrier: Confidential Expert witnesses and areas of expertise: Not applicable Attorneys for plaintiffs: C. Douglas Maynard …
Type of action: Wrongful death Injuries alleged: Death Name of case: Confidential Court: Greene County Superior Court Case number: Confidential Tried before judge or jury: Judge Name of judge: N/A Special damages: Funeral expenses (deceased mother, $6,493; deceased passenger, $5,558) and medical expenses (deceased passenger, $1,327) Verdict or settlement: Settlement Amount: $900,000 Settlement date: April 29, 2007 Offer: N/A Experts: Ron Kirk, Research Engineers, Inc., Raleigh; Paul …
Case name and number: Withheld Principal injuries: Death Special damages: $12,953.49 (funeral expenses) Tried or settled: Mediation County where tried or settled: Pitt County Date concluded: April 19, 2007 Name of mediator: Marshall Gallop Amount: $1 million Insurance carrier: Nationwide Expert witnesses and areas of expertise: Bernard Kromenacker of Raleigh, safety and fire expert Attorney for plaintiff: Robert E. Whitley and Brian E. Clemmons of Whitley …
Court: Carteret County Verdict/Settlement: $1.4 Million Mediator: Rene S. Elliot Special Damages: $8,844 for funeral expenses, $1,200 for burial Date of Settlement: August 17, 2012 Most Helpful Expert: Francis W. Rushing Ph.D Insurance Carrier: Auto Owners & Central Mutual Attorneys for Plaintiff: Robert E. Whitley (Kinston) and Ann Ochsner (Raleigh) of Whitley Law Firm Description: Jurors like to know who’s getting what when …