Woman receives UIM benefits after workplace wreck Type of action: Automobile – Personal Injury Injuries alleged: Fracture of tibia and fibula Case name: Confidential Case number: Confidential Court: Wayne County Superior Court Tried before judge or jury: Confidential arbitrator Name of judge: Confidential arbitrators Verdict or settlement: Arbitrated verdict Settlement date: April 12, 2010 Amount: $550,000 Experts: Christopher C. Hasty, M.D., treating orthopedic surgeon (Greenville) …
Car Accident
$825,000 Settlement Reached for Woman hurt in Head-On Accident
Woman Hurt in Head-on Collision Reaches $825,000 Settlement Type of Action: Car Accident Injuries: Leg Fracture and crushed ankle Case Name: Sheila Olivo v. Matthew Cotton and John Cotton Settlement Date: June 8 Court: Orange County Superior Court Attorney for Plaintiff: Bob Whitley of the Whitley Law Firm in Raleigh Description: The plaintiff, a Chapel Hill woman, reached a $825,000 …
Driver Struck While Moving Company Van Off Highway Recovers $1 Million
Type of action: Motor vehicle accident Injuries alleged: Loss of both legs Name of case: Confidential Court/county: Confidential Case no.: Confidential Name of judge: n/a Special damages: n/a Verdict/settlement: Settlement Amount: $1 million ($30,000 from liability carrier and $970,000 from underinsured carrier) Date obtained: March 10, 2005 Demand: n/a Offer: n/a Experts: Plaintiff’s damage experts included a life care planner and an economist Insurer: n/a Plaintiff’s attorneys: Robert E. Whitley …
Pregnant Mom in Wreck Settles for $1.1 Million
Type of Action: Commercial vehicle wreck Injuries Alleged: The plaintiff was approximately three months pregnant at time of accident, and she lost her baby. She sustained a brain injury, pelvic injury, and had to undergo a fusion at L4 Name of Case: Confidential Court: Carteret County Case No.: Confidential Tried Before: Mediation Verdict/Settlement: Settlement Amount: $1.1 million Verdict Date: Settlement obtained Nov. 20, 2006 …
Worker Injured in Auto Accident Wins $1.2 Million
Case name: Confidential Number: 05 CVS 180 Court: Carteret County Verdict/settlement: Arbitration panel Arbitrators: Marshall Gallop, Joe Edwards and Chuck Simpson Amount: $1.2 million Special damages: $154,780 Past lost wages: $87,760 Future lost wages: $709,200 (as computed by economist) Date obtained: March 13, 2007 Demand: $1 million UIM coverage and $100,000 liability coverage Offer: None Plaintiff’s attorney: Robert E. Whitley of Whitley Law Firm (Kinston) Plaintiff’s experts: Dr. Ed …
Family of Auto Accident Victim Recovers $1.5 Million Settlement
Case name and number: Confidential Principal injuries (in order of severity): Wrongful death Tried or settled: Settled Date concluded: October 24, 2013 Amount: $1.5 million Mediator: Robert Beason (Durham) Expert witnesses: Dr. Donald R. Jason (forensic pathologist) & Dr. Carson Bays (economist) Attorneys for plaintiff: Bob Whitley, of Whitley Law Firm Description: Attorney Bob Whitley, of Whitley Law Firm, represented the family …
Car Accident Victim Recovers $1.5 Million for Injuries
Amount: $1.5 Million Case name: Confidential Court: Settled pre-suit Date of settlement: January 16, 2017 Plaintiff’s attorneys: Ben Whitley and Bob Whitley of the Whitley Law Firm in Raleigh Attorneys for defendant: Confidential Description: The Whitley Law Firm is happy to announce a $1.5 million settlement on behalf of a client who was seriously injured in a car crash. Attorneys Bob …
T-Bone Crash Results in $2 Million Settlement
Type of action: Negligence Injuries alleged: Multiple orthopaedic injuries Name of case: Confidential Court/county: Wake County Superior Court Case no.: Confidential Tried before: Pre-trial settlement Verdict/settlement: $2.03 million Experts: Certified life care planner Insurer: Confidential Plaintiff’s attorneys: Ben Whitley & Bob Whitley Person Submitting: Confidential Description: A 35-year-old Wake County woman obtained a settlement of $2 million after a driver caused a T-bone collision while trying …