Construction sites are notoriously dangerous for unprepared parties. Even so, construction crews, site managers, and all other parties working on a construction site have an obligation to keep you safe. Parties that fail that obligation can cause serious accidents and cost you a considerable amount of money as you try to recover.
What threats pose the most danger to your person on a construction site, though? The construction site accident attorneys with Whitley Law Firm can break down the most common types of construction accidents so you can know what negligence you have the right to challenge in North Carolina civil courts.
Case evaluations with our construction accident lawyers in Raleigh come free of charge. Get in touch with our team today to book your first appointment.
Negligence Causes the Majority of Common Construction Accidents
All parties operating on a construction site have an obligation to be as careful as possible while using dangerous tools and equipment. Unfortunately, some construction crews may attempt to operate dangerous machinery without the appropriate licenses or training. Others may inappropriately use the materials on a work site, thereby endangering the people around them.
This poor conduct is most frequently referred to as negligence in a legal setting. Negligence entitles victims of accidents to file personal injury claims against the parties who engaged in bad behavior.
What does this mean for you? If you’ve recently walked away from a construction site accident and are considering taking legal action, you need to prove that another party engaged in poor contact. Experienced personal injury lawyers in Raleigh can help you get the job done.
Some of the most common subsets of accidents that stem from construction site negligence can include the following:
Slips and Falls
There are numerous pitfalls on the average construction site that can make it difficult to get from Point A to Point B.
Some parties may leave chords to dangerous equipment stretched across common walking paths. Other parties may fail to put signs up to mark dangerous or unstable ground. There’s even a chance that construction workers may spill materials that make it easy to lose traction on sidewalks, roadways, or newly-turned ground.
All of these conditions can lead to slip and fall accidents. Those accidents, in turn, can result in sprains, fractured or broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and other debilitating conditions.
Injury by Falling Object
Construction crews have an obligation to safely secure any objects they’re using or transporting high above ground level on a site. Failure to do so can result in serious accidents, which can cause head trauma, paralysis, and broken bones.
Construction sites are hotbeds of electrical danger. Not only do the tools that most construction crews use require electricity, but different projects can leave wires exposed and visitors at risk for electrocution. Construction crews need to mark unfinished wiring projects so that unprotected parties can avoid them at all costs.
Likewise, crews need to carefully stow dangerous equipment so as to avoid scenarios in which someone may face electrocution. Failure to look out for other people on a work site can cause accidents and open a crew up to a lawsuit.
Machinery Accidents
Most complex machinery on construction sites requires specific licensure to use. Unfortunately, parties who think they know how machinery works or who want to horse around on a work site may attempt to use dangerous machinery without proper training. That use can endanger everyone on the site as well as the project itself.
The machinery used on construction sites does not, unfortunately, appear there overnight. Operators need to transport machinery to a construction site before they can use it. Unfortunately, not all operators are as careful as they should be on the road. Negligent operators can cause serious traffic accidents if they’re not diligent while driving a vehicle.
Getting into a car accident with a forklift, crane, or dump truck can do more than leave you with serious injuries. These accidents can total your car. While filing a lawsuit allows you to demand damages for your losses, a construction crew’s negligence can leave you without regular transportation or the ability to take care of yourself over a considerable length of time.
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Contact Us Today For a FREE Confidential Case Review (800)785-5000What to Do After a Construction Site Accident
Should you find yourself contending with the aftermath of one of these common construction site accidents, don’t wait to take action. You can schedule a case evaluation with an experienced construction accident attorney while getting care for your most pressing injuries.
Whitley Law Firm can connect you with an experienced lawyer who can prioritize your right to maximize compensation in the wake of construction crew negligence. We can arrange settlement negotiations with a liable party, but we are also prepared to go to trial.
Get in touch now, we offer free case evaluation.
The Personal Injury Lawyers With Whitley Law Firm Want to Help You Recover
It does not matter how common a type of accident is on a construction site. You deserve to feel as safe as possible while under the protection of experienced and licensed parties. When those parties violate the duty of care owed to you, you can hold them accountable for the financial losses that you endured.
The construction accident attorneys with Whitley Law Firm can help you take legal action against independent contractors, site managers, and all other negligent parties who were supposed to be looking out for your well-being.
If you’re ready to fight for accident compensation today, contact our team and book a free case evaluation with experienced personal injury attorneys.
Learn about what makes us unique and why we are the right firm to help you.
Contact Us Today For a FREE Confidential Case Review (800)785-5000