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While it may be a difficult prospect to think about, staying aware of your loved one’s condition while in a nursing home can be important to ensuring they do not suffer from undue neglect or abuse. Most nursing homes provide quality care around the clock, but if the one you have entrusted your family member to does not, it may be up to you to take action to make sure it does not continue.

If you notice any signs of nursing home neglect in Charlotte, you should talk to a nursing home abuse and neglect attorney as soon as possible. A prompt response to symptoms of mistreatment may make all the difference in not only your loved one’s health, but in the health of other families’ loved ones as well.

Ways in Which Nursing Home Neglect in Charlotte May Occur

Generally speaking, there are four primary types of neglect that may occur in Durham nursing homes. While neglect usually stems from inadvertent negligence rather than overt abusive behavior, that does not mean it is any less dangerous to residents, nor that recognizing the signs of possible neglect early is any less important.

Basic Physical Needs

At the most basic level, a nursing home must ensure every resident receives proper nutrition and fluids, a private place to live, and consistent monitoring from qualified staff members. Any failure by nursing home staff to check in regularly on residents may have devastating consequences, especially for residents with long-term conditions like diabetes.

Personal Hygiene

In addition to meeting the physiological needs of residents, nursing home staff members must also work to ensure residents have clean living conditions and good personal hygiene. In this respect, a nursing home’s duty of reasonable care requires everything from making sure a resident brushes their teeth to ensuring their linens and laundry are washed regularly.

Medical Care

Elderly nursing home residents are especially vulnerable to infections, degenerative conditions, and other medical issues that staff members must always be aware of. Failure to monitor a resident’s condition and/or promptly treat existing and newly-onset illnesses may have catastrophic or even fatal consequences.

Social and Emotional Needs

Beyond just biological and medical needs, nursing homes also have a responsibility to provide engaging social opportunities for residents. A lack of socialization and other unkind or uncaring treatment can do just as much damage as physical neglect.

Signs and Symptoms to Watch Out For

Unfortunately, it can often be difficult to identify when a Durham nursing home resident’s condition is a sign of neglect. In many cases, elderly residents may have difficulty communicating that there is a problem, or even hesitant to talk about a problem at all if it stems from emotional neglect or abuse.

However, any signs of malnutrition, dehydration, poor hygiene, and poor upkeep of facility spaces should be reason enough to contact a nursing home abuse attorney and report suspicions of neglect to the proper authorities. If a family member is unsure about whether issues like questionable injuries, sudden behavioral changes, and medication errors indicate neglect, a seasoned lawyer could help answer questions and clarify what can or should be done.

Talk to a Charlotte Attorney About Remedying Nursing Home Neglect

It is easy to feel angry and helpless when you find out your loved one has suffered neglect at the hands of the nursing home meant to take care of them, but that does not mean you should hesitate to take action. Any form of neglect in a long-term care facility is unacceptable, and any potential sign of nursing home neglect in Charlotte should be taken seriously.

If you have questions or concerns about your family member’s care in a nursing home, a conversation with a qualified lawyer could help clear things up. Call today to set up a consultation and learn more about what you can do to help protect your loved one.