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When a Defective Product Causes a Motorcycle Crash

There are times when nobody on the road is at fault for a motorcycle accident. The manufacturer could be to blame if the cycle malfunctioned or was poorly made.

If neither you nor another motorist can be assigned liability for the accident, then you might have a product liability claim on your hands. For instance, the accident may have been caused by a defectively made motorcycle or motorcycle part.

Let’s say your motorcycle swerved due to substandard tires, or the entire motorcycle itself was unsafe because of faulty manufacture. In this case, you might be able to file a lawsuit against anyone in the chain of distribution. This means anyone from the manufacturer to the shipping company to the dealership.

You may also be able to go after the cycle or parts manufacturer if the motorcycle was made from unsafe designs. Everything may have been put together correctly, but the original design itself may have been faulty, perhaps causing a motorcycle to “wobble” at certain speeds for example. It may be possible to show that your safety was jeopardized by an unreasonably hazardous design.

Asserting your rights to compensation can be less than straightforward, however. To get the compensation that you deserve, your dangerous product claim may have to prove key links of causation, which can be a very difficult matter. Proving that you have a defective motorcycle is not enough, nor is it enough to also show that you were injured in the accident. You have to also prove that the defect is the exact cause of your accident and your injuries.

To learn more about how you may be able to get a fair result from a motorcycle accident or product liability claim, contact the Whitley Law Firm.

Our team of Raleigh personal injury lawyers can inform you about your rights and how to uphold them. Get more than 38 years of legal experience on your side today! You can start your case with a free evaluation.