Motorists often fail to exercise the necessary caution when driving. This puts people in other vehicles, on bikes, and on foot at risk. If you or a member of your family was struck by a vehicle, a North Carolina pedestrian accident attorney can help you pursue the compensation you deserve. Pedestrian injuries in motor vehicle …
Pedestrian safety is a major concern in North Carolina. In fact, more than 2,400 pedestrians are hit by a car annually throughout the state. Whether you are going to work, the bus stop, your neighbor’s house, or running errands, almost all of us find ourselves traveling on foot during the course of a day. Often …
In early July 2018, Bird, an electric scooter company, released 150 scooters in Raleigh, North Carolina for public transportation use. City goers and city officials have voiced concerns regarding the safety and storage of the scooters, especially because policymakers have not discussed where users should ride and leave their scooters. The additional transportation option has …
After an individual is involved in a pedestrian accident in Greenville, immediate medical care must be sought. If the pedestrian accident leads to an insurance claim, it is important that the injured pedestrian follow up with their doctor and follow a recommended treatment course as insurance companies will often look through records and determine if …
According to recent reports from the local Highway Patrol, there were an estimated 48 pedestrian accidents on the east just last year. Sadly, out of those accidents there were 16 fatalities. When interviewed, State Trooper Doug Coley quickly blames the increase of technology in our society as the main culprit for all auto accidents, particularly those …
It is a sad fact that pedestrian accidents occur with alarming frequency in the United States. While a significant percentage of pedestrian accidents are caused by driver negligence, many of these accidents are also caused by pedestrians failing to follow safety protocols when in the presence of motor vehicles. Whenever pedestrians are amongst cars, trucks, …