As the severe winter weather continues on, dangerous roadways and car accidents are not the only way that Raleigh residents may be at risk of injury because of frigid weather. Icy walkways or snow-covered ground can all too easily lead to debilitating injuries, injuries that could even be severe enough to keep you from being able to work, even at a time that you face medical bills for your recovery.
Could you be entitled to compensation for your slip and fall accident in bad weather? It depends. But usually speaking, a property owner cannot be held responsible for these injuries. There are couple of situations, however, where a property owner could be at fault. Read on to learn what these situations are.
Property Owners Under Contract to Clear Snow or Ice
There are some cases where a property owner may be under a contract to keep walkways reasonably free of ice or snow. This could be the rule for some businesses, and landlords might have this obligation to tenants if this is part of their rental or lease agreement.
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Of course, in many cases, a property owner cannot be blamed for the buildup of ice or snow on the pavement, but if a property owner worsens conditions, then they could be held responsible for any resulting slip and fall accident. For instance, this could be the case when a spout sends water to a walkway that then turns into a perilous layer of ice.
This is a simplistic overview of such accidents, as other issues will certainly apply to your case. Contributory negligence might be used against you, workers’ compensation could be available if this accident happened at work, or other details of your circumstances may help to build the case that a property owner is at fault for your injurious accident. Learn if you have a case when you contact a Kinston personal injury lawyer at the Whitley Law Firm today!
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