As parents, we love watching our children had a good time. Whether it is playing sports outside with the neighbors, rolling around in the grass and dirt, or playing hide and seek; we want to see our children be happy. Another common activity known for bringing children and teenagers great joy is a trampoline. However, …
Blog: Spinal Cord Injury
Dangers of Brain & Spinal Cord Injuries
Brain and spinal cord injuries are among some of the most devastating types of injuries, as the resulting damages are often catastrophic. Catastrophic injuries are classified as any physical damage that is permanent in nature, or more specifically, any injury that will prohibit the victim from ever making a full recovery and returning to the …
How a Spinal Cord Injury Can Affect Your Life
When a person suffers a serious injury due to a fall, car accident or an accident at work, it is strongly advised to seek medical help, even if you do not think that the injuries are serious immediately. Some types of injuries do not show right away, and will not be discovered until it is …