Dog bites are no joke – they affect as many as 4.7 million people in the US every year. According to a survey done by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, two percent of the population receives a dog bite every year. Of these bites 800,000 will require medical attention; that amounts …
Researchers Develop Brain Injury Questionnaire for Soldiers
In New York, it has been reported that researchers from the United States have developed an extensive questionnaire that will help soldiers who are serving in war learn if they need to be treated for traumatic brain injury (TBI). According to Wayne Gordon of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, the questionnaire …
Great Winter Driver Safety Tips
Winter weather conditions are finally here in North Carolina. With the change in weather and snow on the horizon, it is important that drivers remain cautious and follow safety tips like these suggestions provided by the Department of Transportation: Always clear your vehicles’ windows and mirrors. This will allow the road, pedestrians, and other vehicles …
Avoid Accidents by Driving Slower on Wet Roads
In North Carolina, it is a well-known fact that it does not take much to turn the roads into slippery landscapes during the fall and winter months. When the roads turn slippery, the chances of car accidents occurring only increases, so people must be wary. Did you know there is really one way to reduce …
Study Shows Epilepsy is Common Post Traumatic Symptom of Brain Injuries
A new study is reporting that soldiers who have suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBI) have a higher risk of epilepsy decades after they sustained their injuries. On July 20, 2010, the print issue of Neurology (a medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology) published the research study. The author of the study, Jordan Grafman, …
Social Security Benefits for Wounded Warriors
Disabled military service members may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits in addition to benefits administered by the Department of Veteran Affairs. It is very important to understand that a separate application is necessary to apply for Social Security disability benefits. Although military service members must meet the same strict definition of “disabled” as other applicants, …
Who is to Blame For Defective Products?
In the legal community, a defective or dangerous product is a product that is considered unreasonably safe for its intended use or purpose. When people engage in reasonable use of a product, use a product as intended, and follow directions and warning labels, they should not suffer injuries. Anytime people have been injured by a …
The Dangers of Distracted Driving
A leading cause of car accidents in the United States happens to be distracted driving, which occurs when people are distracted while operating a motor vehicle. Examples of distracted driving are texting, talking on a cell phone, or conversing with passengers instead of watching the road. Below, we have compiled some alarming statistics about distracted driving: According …
Pedestrian Safety Tips
It is a sad fact that pedestrian accidents occur with alarming frequency in the United States. While a significant percentage of pedestrian accidents are caused by driver negligence, many of these accidents are also caused by pedestrians failing to follow safety protocols when in the presence of motor vehicles. Whenever pedestrians are amongst cars, trucks, …
Wrongful Death: Common Questions
Below, we provide answers to commonly asked questions about wrongful death. For more, visit our wrongful death FAQs page. What is a Wrongful Death? Basically, a death is categorized as “wrongful” when it results from the negligent actions or recklessness of a third party. For example, if a person caused an accident due to negligent …