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Obesity and Workplace Injuries: Is There a Correlation?

Obesity is a term given to any individual with a body mass index (weight to height ratio) of over 30.
In recent studies, Duke University discovered the following statistics based on 100 full time employees with a BMI of 40:

  • Employees who are classified as obese have nearly twice as many workers’ compensation claims; 11.65 claims against 5.8 claims for non-obese employees.
  • Their medical costs in injury cases was seven times higher; $51,901 against $7,502.
  • On average, they lost around 13 times more work days after their injury; 183.63 against 14.19 days.

The legal team at the Whitley Law Firm does not discriminate against any person for their weight, race, age, gender or any other factor; this data is provided strictly for informational purposes only.

If you are looking to file a workers’ compensation claim, do not wait another minute to call a Raleigh workers’ comp attorney from the firm today.

They have helped dozens of clients throughout North Carolina with finding compensation for their injuries sustained at their place of work.