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Nursing homes are trusted to provide skilled and compassionate nursing care to senior citizens. Unfortunately, incidents of accidental injury or intentional abuse are common and can result in severe injuries that jeopardize the health of already fragile individuals.

A dedicated Cary nursing home abuse lawyer could help you pursue compensation for these injuries. These may include payments to cover any outstanding medical bills and compensation for pain and suffering. Through dedicated and knowledgeable representation, an experienced personal injury attorney could help hold a nursing facility responsible for the abusive and negligent actions of their employees.

The Rights of Nursing Home Residents in Cary

Several of the rights contained in North Carolina’s Bill of Rights for Nursing Home Residents concentrate on the right to be free from physical or mental abuse. Any violation of these rights could serve as grounds for a lawsuit alleging personal injury. However, residents and concerned family members may also file a complaint with the North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation as an important first step to stop the abuse from continuing.

During a claim for negligence, the results of a State investigation could serve as powerful evidence in favor of the plaintiff. A nursing home abuse lawyer in Cary could help residents or their concerned family members examine the rights of nursing home patients under the law and file complaints with the appropriate State agency.

Examples of Abuse in Nursing Facilities

Abusive elder care typically occurs in one of two forms. The most common type of nursing home mistreatment results from accidents or a lack of care on the part of the nursing home staff and caretakers. The injuries that result from such accidents often stem from negligent nursing home staff, a lack of employee oversight by administrators, or caretaker error that was not meant to cause harm.

Other injuries result from intentional abuse on the part of staff. If a nursing facility fails to conduct full employee background checks, aggressive or abusive staff members may come into contact with residents. Because the nursing home hired the staff members, they retain responsibility for their actions.

Likewise, the use of a non-approved restraint or disciplinary treatment could result in severe injuries. An attorney with experience handling nursing home abuse cases in Cary could help residents who have suffered injuries at the hands of elder care facilities pursue at-fault parties for their actions.

Regardless of the exact circumstances behind the injury, a plaintiff has only a limited time to pursue a case. North Carolina General Statutes §1-52 dictates that any personal injury case must be filed within three years of the date of injury. Once this time limit expires, a nursing home resident may be unable to collect compensation for mistreatment they suffered.

Work with a Cary Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Today

Nursing home residents are among the most vulnerable people in our society. Because of the mental or physical conditions they may suffer from, these people are often unable to care for their own day-to-day needs and may be unable or unwilling to speak out if they experience abuse.

Fortunately, a seasoned legal advocate could stand by your side and help hold negligent nursing homes responsible for their actions. Contact a compassionate Cary nursing home abuse lawyer today for a case review and learn how an attorney could help you fight for justice.