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Car Accidents Targeting Third Parties

If you are injured in a car accident, a New Bern car accident attorney can help you to target the liable party and seek compensation. Sometimes the liable party in a car accident is not necessarily the person driving the car. The owner of a vehicle can be held liable for a crash, even if he or she lent the vehicle out to another party.

Lawsuits of this nature are based on negligent entrustment. Essentially, if you entrust your vehicle to someone who was drink, reckless or otherwise unfit to drive and this caused an accident, you can be held responsible.

Also, if you lend your vehicle out to a child without a driver’s license, someone with a suspended license, or a person that has been instructed not to drive due to a medical condition or prescription, you can be held liable. Parents can also be held liable for accidents caused by their children.

Individuals can also sue based on negligent maintenance. This means that if you fail to properly maintain your vehicle, you may be held liable for an accident even if you weren’t driving. Any mechanical failures that could cause an accident can be blamed on you. Victims also have the right to explore a lawsuit based on vicarious liability.

This involves when employers are held liable for the behavior of their employees. If an employee is driving a company vehicle at the time of a crash, the employer may be the one targeted.

As a victim in a car accident, it is essential that you explore your options for third party lawsuits. It is very important that you are aware of the potentially liable individuals and that you explore options to target them as necessary. Don’t hesitate to contact the firm today to get more information!