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Suffering a catastrophic injury is devastating and often disabling. No matter the circumstances of the injury or accident, victims of catastrophic injuries can suffer lifelong consequences.

If you or your loved one suffered a catastrophic injury, you may need the assistance of an experienced Kinston catastrophic injury attorney to efficiently and effectively move forward with your life. Contact a dedicated injury attorney today to begin your claim.

Catastrophic Injury Damages

After an accident, the victim and family members should be able to focus on recovery, and not on the stress of financial burdens that come with a catastrophic injury.

While money cannot independently fix what a catastrophic injury may break, compensation for what are often astronomical medical expenses can give families a little relief during such a devastating time, as can other economic and non-economic damages.

What is the Difference Between Economic and Noneconomic Damages?

Economic losses may extend beyond hospital bills and include costs for pain medication, physical therapy, lost wages due to the inability to work, lost earning potential in the future, and the cost of adapting one’s home and vehicle for a disabled victim.

In addition, victims of catastrophic injuries are also typically eligible for non-economic damages, such as compensation for loss of enjoyment of life, inability to pursue hobbies and goals or work their previous job, pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and psychological damages.

Suffering the life-altering consequences of a catastrophic injury can bring about extreme depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress requiring years of therapy and medication. And while a victim of a catastrophic injury may not be completely disabled, they may not be able to continue with their life as planned. They may have to work fewer hours or change their profession altogether.

All of these harms stemming from a catastrophic injury may be listed as non-economic grounds for compensation.

Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries

Almost any type of accident can cause a catastrophic injury if it is severe enough. Motor vehicle accidents, falls from great heights, and workplace injuries are the most common sources of catastrophic injuries, but they can also result from sports injuries, assault or domestic violence, being hit by a falling or flying object, explosions or fires, and toxin exposure.

The types of catastrophic injuries suffered also varies, depending upon the specific accident itself. Some of the most common types of catastrophic injury suffered include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Gunshot wounds
  • Loss of limbs
  • Puncture and crush wounds
  • Burns
  • Damage to internal organs

What are the Negligence in Laws in North Carolina?

North Carolina operates under a rule called contributory negligence doctrine. This means that victims who have contributed to their own injuries in some way may be barred from recovering any compensation at all.

Not every personal injury case goes to trial, though, where the issues of fault will be determined. Many cases are settled prior to litigation because neither party wants to go to court. In other instances, however, the victim was not at fault at all, and it may be best to move forward with a trial.

Only an experienced Kinston catastrophic injury attorney can determine how best to proceed with a catastrophic injury claim.

 Consult with an Experienced Kinston Catastrophic Injury Attorney

While many families are simply happy their loved one was not killed after a severe accident, they may not immediately realize just how life-altering the consequences of the catastrophic injury may be, and how much they may need compensation for the injury from the negligent party who caused the accident. Speak with a Kinston catastrophic injury lawyer about your case today to see what options are available for you and your family.